Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's looking like a beautiful day...

All this gorgeous weather is making me daydream about blue skies, sandy beaches and clear,turquoise water..

I don't know what I'm doing this summer yet but I should be going abroad for a little while as part of my course.. Have you any summer plans? :) x

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Here comes the sun!

Ah sun. I'm not quite sure if it's my friend or foe!

I love the warm weather and the fact that you can leave your jacket at home, but as a very pale person who isn't too fond of extreme heat (although there's no fear of that here in Ireland!!) I'm wary of it!

I prefer to turn to bronzer if I'm going for a slightly tanned look. Except due to my paleness many bronzers look orange/brown/ just dirty looking on me. YUK.

However I may have found my new favourite bronzer. Step forward Rimmel Sunshimmer 3 in 1 shimmering bronzer in 001 Gold Princess.

 As you can see in this pic there's three shades. And they are all quite sheer and light. Perfect for pale skin!

Here they are swatched with the lightest colour to the darkest, left to right.

I had to swatch them quite heavily to even get this amount of colour! If you want a full on bronzer or if you have darker skin this probably isn't for you but for pale skinned girlies like me it's the business! :)

Now where did I leave my sunglasses...

* I'm not sure of the exact price.. around 11 euro I think for 9.9g of product so good enough.  I'll try and find out soon!*

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quirky accessories

I love accessories.

Since my clothes usually aren't very out there (I'm not bold enough for wet look leggings or the previously discussed leather shorts, sorry!) I try to make sure my accessories are different and stand out.

A recent purchase was this necklace from forever 21, 4.80 euros

Yes.. it's a robot.

Isn't it cute? I don't know what I'm gonna wear it with yet but I can see myself planning an outfit around it haha!

On a side  note it was my first time in Forever 21 (I know, I know but I've been super busy this year okay...) and to be honest, I wasn't really impressed. Everyone raved about it but I didn't see what the fuss was about. The pricing system really confused me, things I thought would be expensive were cheap and vice versa. Also it is huge and I had a headache after half an hour wandering around. Maybe I'm missing something?

P.S I've changed my blog format a little, let me know if you like/dislike it! :)