Thursday, January 1, 2015


New Years is probably one of my favourite festivals. After all, who doesn't like a fresh start?
For the last few years I've avoided making resolutions, thinking that life was too hectic to actually follow through.
2015, bring it.

1. Get back into blogging and blog once a week.
I enjoy blogging. However, I let myself feel overwhelmed by all the other, bigger bloggers I looked up to and wondered why anyone would want to read my rambles. Now I'm just blogging for myself. If anyone wants to have a read that's a bonus.

2. Complete the 50 books challenge.
I'm a complete book worm and this year I joined Goodreads. Best idea ever! It really opened my mind to new authors and even new genres that I'd never considered before. I'm hoping this challenge will keep me on a roll!

3. Complete the couch to 5k programme.
Sadly I do not have a natural love for exercise. Sure, I love the endorphin rush and the smug self satisfied feeling I get after I do it but I find it pretty hard to motivate myself to actually start exercising. Please help me Couch to 5 k.

4. Travel to at least 2 new countries this year.
Self explanatory.

5. Make a real effort to keep my room tidy by tidying it for 20 minutes a day.
This is an incredibly childish resolution, I know. I ,somehow, create mess wherever I go. My room gets the worst of it. I recently did a massive clearout so this resolution is to keep me on track!

6. Wear lipstick every time I leave my house.
Another weird one. I own about 54 lipsticks. Seriously. I need to actually use them.

7. Save 30e a month.
I'm a disaster for spending money. I am (kind of) a grown up now. Grown ups save. I figure this number isn't so small as to be insignificant but not big enough to keep me from livin' mah life. Which leads on to the next resoltuion nicely....

8. Get out more. At least once a month!
This is the only resolution that I find it hard to express in concrete terms. Point is, I've become a bit of a hermit. I started this resolution off well by going to the New Year's Festival in Dublin and ringing in 2015 with Kodaline and I'd like to keep on doing fun things like that. Seeing Dylan Moran in Belfast, watching a play and a musical and going to visit the Father Ted house is wrapped up in this!

9. Grow my hair.
I got a pixie cut in 2013. I think it's time to move on!

10. Buy a new laptop.
This one celebrated its sixth birthday in December.

I'm going to try to do a review of these resoltions and my progress every three months. 
Pray for me!

Did you make any resolutions this year? Let me know :)

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